Evaluation of the garments quality using automated testing methods

  • Sheromova I.A.

    Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service
    Vladivostok. Russia

  • Zheleznyakov A.S.

    Novosibirsk Technological Institute of Moscow State University of Design and Technology
    Novosibirsk. Russia


Ensuring product quality is a prerequisite for its competitiveness. An important role in the quality management process belongs to his control. This identification of technological defects during the quality control of finished products without adequate in-process control leads to unnecessary physical and financial losses. Garments defects arising in the process of their manufacture, are detected mainly visually without the use of instrumental methods. We propose the computer technology allows for the identification of stitches and seams defects, the application of which will enhance the objectivity and quality of the in-process control garments.

Keywords: garments, quality control, monitoring facilities, quality indicators, quality of stitches and seams, computer technology is the definition of defects.